Tag: Insurance Companies

Blue America’s Blanche Lincoln ad featured on The Rachel Maddow Show

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Rachel Maddow highlighted our Blue America ad which calls out Blanche Lincoln over her stance on the public option.

A Bad Day to Op

MoveOn jumps into the Blue America “Standing Up For The Public Option” fundraiser.

MoveOn has generously joined in on our Standing Up For The Public Option fundraiser and it's helped keep the thermometer rising. When last I looked

I think Blanche Lincoln needs another round of ads, don’t you? Please help

Blue America's first push at Blanche Lincoln proved very worth while. As Greg Sargent reported, we forced her to write an op-ed in which she shifted

Blue America Alert: Blanche Lincoln now supports a quality, affordable public plan!

For the first time since the health care debate started, Blanche Lincoln has made a positive statement about the public option. Blue America is sche

Blue America is