Tag: Mary Jo Kilroy

Blue America Welcomes Back An Old Friend– Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH)

There weren't many progressives who got dragged under in the Tea Party tsunami-- or more appropriately, in the stay-at-home malaise from the Democratic base that practically wiped the GOP-leaning Blue Dogs off the map. But several of Blue

Mary Jo Kilroy’s Got your back on Foreclosure Fraud. Won’t you get hers on November 2nd?

If you want someone who isn't afraid to take on the big corporate interests, someone who isn't afraid to take on entrenched political power, who isn't afraid ... period, you'll vote for Mary Jo Kilroy. She's got your back. Won't you get hers?

Blue America Welcomes Back Our Old Friend, Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy

You may have noticed, that with the exception of Alan Grayson, there haven't been any incumbents on the Blue America endorsement list this year-- at least not until now. Ohio freshman, Mary Jo Kilroy, who we worked so hard to elect in 2008 and

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