Tag: Turn Texas Blue

Pervez Agwan Is Battling Big Oil And $ Head-on, In Their Own Backyard

Today Blue America has endorsed Pervez for the TX-07 congressional seat and we humbly ask you to considerĀ chipping in to his entirely grassroots campaign here.

Turning Texas Blue Means Registering & Turning Out More Voters

Republicans in the Texas legislature rammed through a racist and ultra-partisan redistricting map that packs as many Democrats as they could into a new Austin district with th...

Julie And Mike– The Key To Flipping Texas

Many Texas voters-- particularly in the suburbs and exurbs around Dallas-Ft Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio-- are sick of Trump and giving up on his enablers. And wheth...

Google Removed Our Ad. Where Is The ‘Shocking Content’?

Blue America's IE Committee has begun purchasing ads for our candidates. The first batch went up as a YouTube pre-roll for Kara Eastman (NE-02), Liam O'Mara (CA-42), Mike Siegel...

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