FDL is hosting a chat with our very own and most excellent Donna Edwards.
Within an hour of Wynn’s concession Donna had written an e-mail to Blue America to say thanks. The next morning she had sent us a video thanking the community for our 3 years of efforts on her behalf. Of course, those 3 years are a two-way street, a crucial one, and one where lesser candidates may well have given up and said the odds were too steep, the chances too slim. Donna never gave up.
Today I’m 100% confident that we’ve helped elect not “more Democrats” (the hell with that) but a “better Democrat.” And a leader, a leader for a national, values-based progressive movement. It’s with the greatest pleasure that we welcome Donna Edwards back to Firedoglake this afternoon, a friend and a pathfinder.
If you have a minute—go over and say hi. And I want to thank you all because with your help—Donna Edwards is our newest Congresswoman in Maryland….