This Saturday Bernie will be joining in discussion with the Blue America community for a question and answer session at Crooks and Liars at 2pm (ET). We hope you will be able to join in the discussion.
How many Members of Congress pop into your mind when you read the subject line of this email? No one is more prominent, at least not in this decade, than Vermont’s Independent U.S. Senator, Bernie Sanders.
The people of Burlington didn’t elect him mayor in 1980 as either a Democrat or a Republican, nor did Vermont voters send him to the House of Representatives in 1990 as a Democrat or a Republican. And when he won a U.S. Senate seat in 2006 (with over 65% of the vote), he had again refused to run as either a Democrat or a Republican. That’s why Bernie Sanders has been the political leader most independent of the Establishment of anyone in our lifetimes. One thing you can safely bet on is that Bernie Sanders is never going to buy into the Conservative Consensus that utterly dominates the Beltway and the American mass media.
God bless Vermont’s flinty, independent-minded voters!
There is no voice more present– in fact some times it is the only voice present– fighting for the interests of ordinary working families when both Party Establishments are figuring out how to best serve the interests of the corrupt special interests financing their political careers. This Saturday Bernie will be joining in discussion with the Blue America community for a question and answer session at Crooks and Liars at 2pm (ET). We hope you will be able to join in the discussion.
One of many reasons to get to know Bernie… when Blue America decides which other candidates to endorse, we rank them on a “Bernie Sanders scale.” The closer they are to him in agenda, attitude and courage, the more likely we are to endorse them.
The Rove/Tea Party Machine will come after him Hard in 2012. Can you give something to help Bernie Sanders fight back for reelection?
We are all in this together,
Digby, John, Howie and the Blue America team.