Today’s Blue America candidate is Darcy Burner from the suburban district just east of Seattle (WA-08). She’s joining us for a live blog session at 11am PT over at Firedoglake. Darcy, who’s 36 years old, was the lead product manager for and both technology and music is integral parts of her life. If Alaska Senator Ted Stevens represents clueless old politics, Darcy Burner is the antidote.
Howie asked her if there were any songs that really inspire her that she wanted to recommend to Crooks and Liars. She had two. “Waiting on the World to Change” by John Mayer was her own personal campaign song in 2006. “I used to listen to it when I was trying to figure out how to inspire young people to participate in the election. This year, I’m “Pendulum Swingers” by the Indigo Girls is what I listen to in the car first thing in the morning when I’m driving to my first appointment. It reminds me why I’m campaigning for office.”
While you’re listening, how about visiting our Blue America ActBlue page and showing Darcy a little C&L love.