Category: Medicare for All

Andrew Romanoff For U.S. Senate

Colorado Senator Cory Gardner is widely considered the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection. 13 Colorado Democrats-- of all stripes-- are running for the nomination to t...

Austin Can Create a National Model for the Green New Deal

On September 21 at Huston-Tillotson University, a historically-black college in Austin, progressive congressional candidate Mike Siegel convenes a conference on the Green New De...

Blue Dog Jim Costa’s Strong Progressive Opponent, Kim Williams

Costa has not stayed in office all these years because he has addressed the needs of his constituents. He has stayed in office because our voters have had to choose between the party of Trump and a man who spent last Congress voting with Trump 47% of the time. This March, however, voters will finally have a choice, and this Valley will finally have a chance.

Brianna Wu: A Bolder Democratic Party

Brianna Wu is running an uphill primary campaign in a solid blue district that voted for Bernie in 2016. (PVI is D+10)

Brianna's opponent is entrenched New Dem Stephen Lynch, o...

Congress Needs More Mayors Who Get Things Done

It wasn't hard for Blue America to decide to endorse Mark Gamba for Congress. He's running for an Oregon seat held by one of the most venal Blue Dogs in the House, Kurt Sch...

Another No Nonsense, Strong Progressive Leader: Eva Putzova (AZ-01)

The actual Democrat primarying O'Halleran this cycle is Flagstaff former city councilwoman and progressive activist, Eva Putzover. Eva is literally as good as O'Halleran is bad.

DCCC May Be Playing Defense In 2020– Not Us… Meet Jon Hoadley

The experiment of the 1980s didn't work. It's time politicians of the past stop spinning fiction. Our future reality, together, can make a much better story.

College Young Democrats Organize Boycott Of Cheri Bustos’ DCCC

In their letter to Bustos, the Harvard Young Democrats wrote that "Primary challengers are essential to ensure that the Democratic Party is continually held accountable to the needs of our constituents. This blacklist policy is undemocratic and antithetical to our values of inclusion and diversity."

Democratic Establishment Likes SOME Primaries– If It’s Against A Progressive

Two years ago Berniecrat and Democratic Socialist Lee Carter accomplished the impossible in Manassas (Virginia's HD-50). He ran and won-- with more hostility than support from t...

An Open Letter To Chief Justice John Roberts

Heads up: #GA07 has been a red district for a long time. Now, it's turning purple, and has become a top tier target for both parties. Blue America has found just the candidate to win this election hot house: Marqus Cole.

End Of The Quarter? Who Cares?

Today-- as you have probably been reminded dozens of times already-- is the end of the FEC's fiscal quarter. It's a big deal for candidates, as they are pressured to post winnin...

Only One Democrat Left In Congress Who’s Opposed To LGBTQ Equality

Equal Rights for "the Gays" used to be a contentious issue for Democrats. The DCCC and leadership know-it-alls used to quietly counsel Democrats representing-- or running in-- s...

Blue America is