Blue America Welcomes Back Patsy Keever (D-NC)
The last time Patsy joined us for a chat she was going up against a conservative Democrat Steve Israel had recruited in the North Carolina primary. Patsy won-- and by a lot (Israel's candidate wound up with 26% of the vote)-- not just in her own
Blue America Welcomes Beto O’Rourke
At the end of May, progressives and reformers had a big win in Texas to celebrate. Texas? Well... sort of sure. El Paso is its own unique little corner of Texas, closer, some people like to say, to Los Angeles than to Houston. And in a different
Blue America Welcomes Franke Wilmer (D-MT)
But just as important as her academic accomplishments and record of public service are her life experiences. In her early 20s, Franke was a divorced single mother with no child support and few prospects. All she knew was waitressing, and she relied on that to support herself and her daughter while completing her college degree. It took her 16 years, often working two jobs and even 2 years working as a carpenter. “I know what it’s like not to be able to afford health insurance,” she told me last year when I first talked with her. “I know what it’s like to take a pocket full of tips to the energy company to pay my heating bill.”
Blue America Welcomes Back Alan Grayson
Today, January 21, is the two-year anniversary of the absolute worst and most dangerous Supreme Court decision of our lifetimes, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. We decided it would be the perfect time to reiterate Blue America's
Blue America Proudly Welcomes Senator Bernie Sanders For a Live Chat
He's been hammering three overarching themes. First is the need to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, pointing out that "when we do that we not only create millions of good paying jobs, but we also make the entire country more productive and competitive in the global economy." After that he points to the need to move our energy system away from fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy breaking our dependence on Middle East oil, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing air pollution and putting "millions of Americans to work building American made solar panels, building American made wind turbines, building American made heat pumps and weatherizing millions of American homes with energy efficient products and technologies-- all made in America."
Live Chat: Blue America PAC Welcomes Norman Solomon (D-CA)
Live Chat: Blue America PAC Welcomes Norman Solomon (D-CA)
Blue America Welcomes Back Jack Conway (D-KY)
Today Blue America is helping Kentucky Attorney General and Senate candidate Jack Conway kick Rand Paul's ass from Ashland to Hickman, Covington to Harlan. Today? Yes, today is Jack's money-bomb and we want to make sure he beats the $246,000 the
Alan Grayson to join C&L at 4:30 PDT/7:30 EDT PM for a Special Live Chat UPDATED: Now 5 pm PDT
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Alan Grayson is joining Blue America on C&L today at 4:30 PST/7:30 EST [UPDATED] 5 PM for a Special Live Chat to help with his fun
Special Blue America live chat Thursday at 4PM Eastern with a challenger to Crying John Boehner named Justin Coussoule
Tomorrow, we're having a special live chat that I'm sure you'll all enjoy. We've found someone to take on John Boehner. Yes, the man who was passing
C&L’s Late Nite Music Club with the Flaming Lips
Tomorrow our Blue America candidate is an extraordinary state senator from Oklahoma, Andrew Rice, a seminary school graduate who is firmly anchored in