Tag: target

Rand Paul never got a degree from Baylor and never corrected the record

Rand Paul is at it again. Sam Stein:
Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul was caught in a now-familiar campaign mishap on Thursday wh

Blue America’s Build-a-“Beat Boehner” Billboard Contest is Rocking

Our new Beat Boehner campaign which is highlighted by our push to buy as many as three billboards in Boehner's district has been doing incredibly well

Blue America Special: Alan Grayson joins C&L for a Live Chat! “Peace Party”

If any of you have been over the Daily Kos or many other progressive blogs recently you know that today is the day of Alan Grayson's Peace Party

Alan Grayson to join C&L at 4:30 PDT/7:30 EDT PM for a Special Live Chat UPDATED: Now 5 pm PDT

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Alan Grayson is joining Blue America on C&L today at 4:30 PST/7:30 EST [UPDATED] 5 PM for a Special Live Chat to help with his fun

OFA should be ashamed of itself for supporting a putrid Blue Dog like Jim Matheson in Utah

Blue America must be shaking Jim Matheson up since we threw our support behind Claudia Wright in the upcoming primary. I know, you're thinking, co

Blanche Lincoln’s a lying liar: ads, attacks on Bill Halter based on blatant deceptions

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(Audio via The Nation)

You can donate to Bill Halter's campaign on our Send The Democrats a Message page.

Blanche Lincoln must be

Help us decide our next Blue America action!

We had great news yesterday as our Blue America ads against Senator Blanche Lincoln pushed her to shift positions and begin to talk about actually s

Alan Grayson, a real maverick, takes on the lack of vacation time and the Fed

Blue American’s Alan Grayson has been a maverick -- I mean the real kind -- since he was elected to Congress when nobody said he had a chance to win

Blue America is