Howie Klein has been hosting Blue America "Meet the Candidates" at FireDogLake for a while now and it's been a great success in getting the word out about progressive candidates.
But today, they held a little contest in addition to the "Adopt A District" drive to see who Blue America should support in these waning days before the election with some directed air time purchase for customized "Had Enough?" ads.
The winner: Charlie Brown!
C&L regular Nate is working hard on Charlie Brown's campaign and had no small part in driving support Charlie's way.
Brown's opponent , John Doolittle, is connected to BOTH the Abramoff and Duke Cunningham scandals, so it will be great to lose this "Culture of Corruption" member. UPDATE: WaPo is reporting that the same federal task force that recently brought down Ney is looking at other Abramoff dealings in Doolittle's and Conrad Burn's office.
If you can, we'd love to see you donate to Brown's campaign.