Blue America for Tony Trupiano

tonytrupiano.jpg The push is on to help Tony out. Trupiano is a good man and a great candidate who is knocking at the doorstep of Thadeus McCotter. Please donate to the Blue America PAC and help us get an ad on the air if you can.

Jane Hamsher:

The intrepid Howie Klein is working with the people who did this ad to adapt it for a cable buy in Tony's district, but we need your help. For those who can afford to contribute to our Blue America PAC, that would help us to extend the buy and really give it some impact in the district. But people often tell us they're on fixed incomes and would like to find another way to help, so we also need some opposition research done on Tony's opponent, Thadeus McCotter. They're looking for the following:

  • The number of times he voted with the President's legislation (percentage), and where he ranks in terms of House members who have voted with the President
  • Specific negative legislation annotations (issues that people will be responsive to in the district)…read on


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