
Progressive Candidates– Abandoned By The DCCC

In the last few days Randy Bryce debated Paul Ryan's cutout candidate to replace himself, corporate lawyer and job outsourcer Bryan Steil. Randy kicked his ass so badly that Ste...

Let’s pull on Beto’s bootstraps

Beto O’Rourke has proven to be a leader of the future, a progressive with a skilled way of preaching beyond the choir. We support him, but hope you’ll dig deep to help the down-ticket TX progressives who could really use some extra cash today.

Lying Frat Boy McDrunkface Confirmed. Now What?

Blue America slate of progressive female fighters aren’t just willing to go to battle on behalf of the vulnerable and the powerless, they are chomping at the bit to stare down these phony macho bullies once and for all. We need to have their backs.

Felony Indictments Could Help Flip NY-27

They say 'It Takes A Village' to Build a Blue Wave. This month, Democrats have a new weapon in Flipping Very Red Districts Blue-- Felony Indictments!

Not All Candidates Back Medicare-For-All; These Do

Over 70 percent of ALL Americans want Medicare for All; yet tone deaf Leadership has signaled their priority when back in power is to install PAYGO -- We're fighting back by supporting the candidates who'll support US.

Can A Progressive Win Over An R+11 District? Ammar Is A Special Case

Usually not worth the effort to try to flip an R+11 seat, but #CA50 has a criminal incumbent that's just been indicted and recent polling has this race even. We CAN do this!

Blue Wave– High Enough For West Virginia?

Conventional Beltway "wisdom" is that you need "GOP-lite" Democrats to win in traditionally "Red" states. The West Virginia model is proving the Villagers Wrong-- the People of WV's first district are 'woke' and want Kendra Fershèe, unabashed Progressive for Congress. Now she needs our help.

Why Do Republicans Fear Music?

Congress would be a better place with more musicians, and while her campaign was joking about a 'College Band Congressional Caucus', Kara is looking forward to working with politicians like Beto O'Rourke, who lead with heart-- and music.

Help Dethrone Steve King Today

J.D. Scholten is running in an Iowa congressional district that went for Trump 61-33%. And he's running against the most bigoted member of Congress, Steve King. Get to know more about why he's surging in Iowa's 4th:

Randy Bryce Won Tuesday– Now The Hard Part Begins

Last Tuesday was a Very Good Day for Democrats, including Progressives.

DCCC Still Refusing To Back Progressive Primary Winners

This is outrageous. After Tuesday’s primary results, the DCCC added some of the winners to their Red-to-Blue page… but not the progressives who won.

Should Republican Billionaires Be Picking Democratic Candidates?

Republican billionaires know their party is going to lose control of Congress in November. So they are working to defeat progressives and make certain friendly conservative DINOs become the nominees of the Democratic Party. We can't let this happen. It's our party, not theirs.

Blue America is