Blue America Welcomes Alan Lowenthal
Alan Lowenthal will be the last official Blue America endorsement of 2012. As a state legislator, Alan has been an unabashed, unapologetic and very effective progressive from Long Beach. He's widely acknowledged to be one of the best California
Gary Delong– Global Warming Denier… In Southern California?
Gary Delong-- Global Warming Denier... In Southern California?
Blue America Welcomes Back Patsy Keever (D-NC)
The last time Patsy joined us for a chat she was going up against a conservative Democrat Steve Israel had recruited in the North Carolina primary. Patsy won-- and by a lot (Israel's candidate wound up with 26% of the vote)-- not just in her own
Healthcare, Not Warfare: A Cosmic Thing
You may have noticed that Blue America is trying to monetize rock'n'roll collectibles to help progressives stay independent of the two corrupt Inside-the-Beltway party machines. This week, PDA and Blue America have teamed up to mark the 12th
Blue America Welcomes Dr. Syed Taj
The only Michigan Democrats Steve Israel is allowing the DCCC to help so far this cycle are Blue Dog Gary McDowell (MI-01) and virulent anti-Choice fanatic Steve Pestka (MI-03). No doubt John Boehner and Eric Cantor would prefer actual
Blue America Welcomes Jay Chen (D-CA)
This week Blue America is endorsing our second California candidate, Jay Chen, who's running in a newly created district that takes in a chuck of L.A. and San Bernardino counties-- Brea, Buena Park, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Fullerton, Hacienda
Blue America Welcomes Sue Thorn (D-WV)
Blue America is proud to be officially endorsing Sue Thorn today. Sue is a grassroots community activist whose ideas about the role of government hearken back to a time when West Virginians very much saw government as a way of balancing the
Blue America Welcomes Nate Shinagawa (D-NY)
Today, Blue America is proud to endorse Nate Shinagawa for Congress in NY-23, the old Eric Massa district composed of the Southern Tier and the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York. It was a district Democrats lost after Eric Massa's breakdown
Blue America Welcomes Back Our Friend and Ally, Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ)
An American hero, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and an old and loyal friend through thick and thin, I don't think Raúl Grijalva needs much of an introduction. As always, he has plenty he wants to share with us. Let me
Blue America Welcomes Matt Heinz
Democrats generally cheered when Ron Barber won the special election in AZ-8 a couple weeks ago-- or at least when Jesse Kelly lost it-- to finish out the remainder of Gabby Gifford's term. No one paying attention exactly expected her district
It Wasn’t All Gloom And Doom Out Of North Carolina Last Week– Patsy Keever Won
As you know by now, we had some sad news out of North Carolina on Tuesday, the approval of the homophobic Amendment One. We did, however, have one powerful victory that night too. In the Democratic primary, one district, NC-10, voted
Blue America Welcomes Wayne Powell (D-VA)– And Do I Ever Have A Headline For You!
On November 7, 2012, the headline on the top of the New York Times will read, "Obama Reelected to Second Term. Democrats Retake House of Representatives, Hold Senate."
And right below that:
"Majority Leader Eric Cantor Defeated."