Tag: Campaigns/Elections

Congress’ Big Chill

I want you to look at this little box below from ProgressivePunch. It shows the two members of Congress who have the most progressive voting records.

They are just fractionally...

Another Red California Seat On The Line– One That No One Expects To Flip Blue?

Once the pandemic started, thousands of Angelenos moved to the outer suburbs and exurbs in San Bernardino County, already one of the fastest growing counties in the country. 


The Tampon Queen? Cristina Prefers “Period Princess”

Blue America has a page called California-- Not Blue Enough, which includes 13 congressional candidates; 3 incumbents and 10 challengers. State Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia is ...

Reclaiming May Day #Solidarity2022

May Day has more than one meaning. The origin is an ancient festival marking the first day of summer in some cultures and a spring holiday in others. But in 1889 May Day was c...

Endorsement Alert: Meet Joaquín Vázquez

California's 51st congressional district-- now CA-52-- is the very southwest corner of the continental U.S., in the San Diego area and along the Mexican border all the way to Ar...

Progressives Don’t Write-Off Any Groups Of People

Last month, when I asked him about the morass the Democrats find themselves in rural areas like his, he told me that

"Our party needs to decide to invest in rural and small to...

An Ideal Congressional Candidate: Meet Dave Segal From Providence

Unlike most candidates, Digby, John and I have known David Segal for over a decade. We met him when he was a Rhode Island state legislator.

What impresses us about David is th...

New Candidate Alert For Oregon’s New District– Meet Matt West

Our old friend, former congressional candidate Mark Gamba, introduced me to Matt West, the progressive candidate running in the new 6th district, which includes Mark's home. The...

Darcy Burner finally succumbs to media hit job

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I'm too distraught to write about this.

So go read Jesse Wendel. He pretty much sums it up: This was a media hit job.

It wasn't jus

Darcy Burner: Still in the media’s Twilight Zone

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I went to Darcy Burner's post-election party in Bellevue last night, and chatted with her as we watched the results come trickling in

Mean Jean Schmidt Breaks Pledge To Keep Campaign Positive

I don't know how to tell you this, Jean, but craven Republicans desperate to hold on to their seats cut and run from their word, patriots never do. Do

Darcy Burner fights the Republican smear machine

Darcy Burner is fighting back against Dave Reichert's last-minute smear campaign accusing Darcy of fluffing her academic record -- even though Reich

Blue America is