Darcy Burner: Still in the media’s Twilight Zone

I went to Darcy Burner’s post-election party in Bellevue last night, and chatted with her as we watched the results come trickling in.

At the time, Darcy had a nice early lead, thanks to the early ballots. But we knew even then it wouldn’t last, and sure enough, by the time I went home, the race was essentially tied.

We won’t know the outcome of her race for a few days: Right now, Republican Rep. Dave Reichert has a a 900-vote lead, but only 41 percent of the vote has been counted.

Gauging from count trends we’ve seen so far, if Darcy is within shouting distance going into the final laps of counting, she has a very good shot at pulling out the win, since early-cast ballots went strongly for her.

Darcy was badly hurt in the last week or so of the campaign by the GOP’s smear machine in claiming Burner “lied” about her Harvard degree, and especially by the disgraceful credulousness of the local press in picking up the story.

The leading disgrace was the Seattle Times, which managed even last night to smear Burner at the tail end. As we were hanging out in the comm room, HorsesAss blogger David Goldstein noticed that the Times was reporting that Darcy had gone home for the night and left her supporters behind. As it happened, Darcy was sitting next to us at the time. Here’s Goldy’s post, and a folo by McJoan.

You can see it all on the video.

And there’s a special message to C&L readers from Darcy at the end.

UPDATE: Goldy find even more Times stupidity.


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