Category: 2020 Elections

The Case For Political Courageousness

Howie: A couple of weeks ago, we met Liam O'Mara, through my own lens. Now lets revisit him through his own. "I am running as a progressive populist in a red district in Califor...

Blue America Endorsement: Lauren Ashcraft

We're endorsing Lauren Ashcroft in #NY-12 not just because she's on the right side of every important issue and because she's a courageous and competent candidate but because we think she will make a great and productive representative for working families in Congress.

Pelosi Picked The Right Guy To Clobber Trump

I don't want to go into-- for the 30th time-- the whole long story about how I helped my congressman first get elected in 2000 and then was mortified when he joined the Blue Dog...

Kara Eastman Doesn’t Want Tom Steyer’s Money– She Donated It To Charity

"The fight happening now for the Democratic presidential nomination," wrote Norman Solomon, "largely amounts to class warfare. And the forces that have triumphed in the past are...

Stop Frackenlooper

We got an unfortunate call the other day.

New Mexico Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver wanted to give us a little advance warning that she was going to end her campai...

Your Zip Code Predicts How Long You’re Going To Live

This map of Chicago from The Economist on the right shocked me as the magazine makes the point that if you take a ride along Chicago's red line-- a rail service runnin...

Is The DCCC Blacklist Backfiring?

A reminder: As soon as Blue Dog/New Dem Cheri Bustos grabbed the DCCC chair for herself, she instituted an aggressive new policy aimed at progressives challenging Blue Dogs and ...

New Dem Out– Democratic Socialist In

Derek Kilmer is the head of the Wall Street-owned and operated New Dems, part of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. But Kilmer's district-- WA-06, the northwest corner...

We Have A New Candidate For You To Meet: Montana’s Tom Winter

Montana state Rep. Tom Winter entered politics in the aftermath of the 2016 election. He told me that his motivation was

"equal parts frustration with where we were and optimi...

The Best Member Of Congress You’ve Never Heard Of– Literally

There are 5 freshmen members of Congress whose voting records are tied for #1. The graphic above shows the 6 members of Congress with the highest lifetime crucial vote scores, a...

Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch, Save America!

Gun safety reforms. Election security. Net Neutrality. Voting rights. The House has passed all sorts of bills that the American people overwhelmingly support, yet they’re dead...

Senate Endorsement: Betsy Sweet To Replace Susan Collins In Maine

The road to dislodging McConnell next year runs through Maine. And that means nominating a candidate who will give a massive number of voters a reason to come out and vote. Betsy Sweet is that woman.

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