Are Blue Dogs Boehner’s Ace In The Hole Against Teabagger Defections In His Own Caucus?
Will Blue Dog Democrats coming to John Boehner's aid while he has trouble with Teabaggers within his own caucus?
Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Naturally) Jokes About The Death Of Hillary Clinton
NW Progressive:
Not only is Dave Reichert an ineffective congressman, but he has a twisted sense of humor, as the Tacoma News Tribune's Niki Sulliva
Susan Collins needs to apologize!
Collins has a very troubling man---Director of Internet Strategy, Lance Dutson running her operation. Jamie highlighted his post here...FDL responded
Dan Gerstein: A Permanent Blog Stalker
Gerstein has a problem with my friend, Jane Hamsher. Yes, Hillary Clinton blogged at FDL. It made sense: discuss equal pay on a blog that is run by s