Tag: Kara Eastman

Abandoned By The DCCC 2020

With a tiny handful of exceptions-- basically Kara Eastman, Joyce Elliott and Dana Balter (who is running in a D+3 district)-- Cheri Bustos and her DCCC have once again decided ...

Progressive Democrats Have Clear Shots To Flip Several Red Districts Blue

In an OpEd for the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, Rahm Emanuel celebrated the idea of "Biden Republicans," basically conservative GOP voters who have had enough of Trump and a...

Landslide Win For Kara Eastman Was Step One

It's relatively easy to point out that you don't agree with the person in power and declare your candidacy and hope more voters turn out on election day who agree with you than ...

DCCC Lost All The Races Yesterday– But Progressives Did Well

Last night 3 important congressional races ended. Nancy Pelosi, Cheri Bustos and their DCCC need to think closely about what happened. One contest was a primary in Omaha and two...

Kara Eastman Doesn’t Want Tom Steyer’s Money– She Donated It To Charity

"The fight happening now for the Democratic presidential nomination," wrote Norman Solomon, "largely amounts to class warfare. And the forces that have triumphed in the past are...

Whose Side Is The DCCC On?

Cheri Bustos, the anti-democracy Blue Dog running the DCCC, is determined to make sure no more progressives get into Congress. Currently she is working against the election effo...

Don’t Let The Kochs Take Over The Democratic Party

No Democrats should be taking any Koch money for any reason. No one should be allowed to call him- or herself a Democrat if they do take Koch money.

Hey, YOU. Get Up and GOTV!

Blue America members voted last week to send $5,000 checks to Kara Eastman (NE), James Thompson (KS) and Kendra Fershee (WV), none of whom are front-runners and each of whom is ...

Help Blue America give away $15,000 to 3 candidates.

We are "making it rain" on 3 Blue America candidates -- of your choice! #Contest! Help decide who gets the BIG MONEY just in time to help their #GOTV efforts.

Progressive Candidates– Abandoned By The DCCC

In the last few days Randy Bryce debated Paul Ryan's cutout candidate to replace himself, corporate lawyer and job outsourcer Bryan Steil. Randy kicked his ass so badly that Ste...

Why Do Republicans Fear Music?

Congress would be a better place with more musicians, and while her campaign was joking about a 'College Band Congressional Caucus', Kara is looking forward to working with politicians like Beto O'Rourke, who lead with heart-- and music.

Progressive Primary Winners Abandoned By The DCCC

The DCCC is 'aggressively ignoring progressives' who won their primaries and moved on to the General. Does that seem like a winning strategy to you?

Blue America is