Tag: Lee Rogers

Barbara Lee’s First Endorsement… And The Beatles

Today Rep. Lee announced that her Barbara Lee Progressive PAC's top 8 priorities for congressional action starts with "Bringing an end to perpetual war, saving trillions of dollars and millions of lives." And her first endorsement of a challenger for the 2014 cycle, fellow Californian and peace advocate, Lee Rogers. You could win this beautiful Beatles signed photograph with any donation to Lee's campaign.


If you haven't entered the contest yet, you have 'til noon PT/3 ET here: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/joni?refcode=dwtjoni2CnL&amount=20&recurring=9 But the real purpose of this post is to remind you of what we're up against-- all of us. The Koch brothers are already spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in Orlando to try to defeat Grayson with their regular complain of smears and lies. "Vicious, fraudulent negative ads. Money to burn. Who could that possibly be? Can you guess?" Grayson asked last week.

Open seat in California–Let’s turn it BLUE!

Big time political pundits are watching CA-25 because they know it's ripe for for a Democratic pickup. Please join us today by contributing to Lee Rogers' campaign: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/blueamerica14

Healthcare, Not Warfare: A Cosmic Thing

You may have noticed that Blue America is trying to monetize rock'n'roll collectibles to help progressives stay independent of the two corrupt Inside-the-Beltway party machines. This week, PDA and Blue America have teamed up to mark the 12th

Blue America is