Tag: Mike Siegel

Turning Texas Blue Means Registering & Turning Out More Voters

Republicans in the Texas legislature rammed through a racist and ultra-partisan redistricting map that packs as many Democrats as they could into a new Austin district with th...

Here’s How You Can Help Build Our Green Coalition

Blue America is working with our allies in Congress' Sustainable Energy And Environment Coalition Caucus [SEEC PAC], including old friends we've helped get elected and reelected...

Julie And Mike– The Key To Flipping Texas

Many Texas voters-- particularly in the suburbs and exurbs around Dallas-Ft Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio-- are sick of Trump and giving up on his enablers. And wheth...

Progressive Democrats Have Clear Shots To Flip Several Red Districts Blue

In an OpEd for the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, Rahm Emanuel celebrated the idea of "Biden Republicans," basically conservative GOP voters who have had enough of Trump and a...

Florida, Ultimate Swing State: Let’s Win It This Time!

Often, in politics victories are far and in between. Here at Blue America, we don't pick candidates because we assess them as having the best chance to win. We pick them becaus...

Racism? In Texas? Here’s Why Mike Siegel Will Never Stop Fighting It

Mike Siegel is a civil rights lawyer and former public school teacher, who nearly beat right-wing Republican Michael McCaul in 2018 in a gerrymandered district the DCCC never to...

Landslide Win For Kara Eastman Was Step One

It's relatively easy to point out that you don't agree with the person in power and declare your candidacy and hope more voters turn out on election day who agree with you than ...

Candidate Mike Siegel Is Already Working For TX-10 Constituents

Some candidates-- whether incumbents or challengers-- are faring better than others during this pandemic. Candidates who have grown proficient on social media have vibrant campa...

Running A People-Powered Campaign, While Sheltering In Place

Progressive challengers-- especially in races against well-heeled incumbents who can write themselves big checks or appeal to corporate SuperPACs-- have two new handicaps: grass...

Congressional Super Tuesday

Not every state holding presidential primaries Tuesday is also holding congressional primaries. But the two biggies-- California and Texas-- are. Both these states are polling s...

Green Day/Blue Texas– A Contest

March 3 isn't just Super Tuesday for the presidential candidates, it is also the big day for many congressional candidates all over the country.

One of the best candidates Blu...

Marianne Williamson Is Still On America’s Side

Two weeks ago, Marianne Williamson suspended her presidential campaign. She told us that while she was on the road-- talking day after day for all of last year with people about...

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