Joe Manchin Was Right About One Thing: There Aren’t Enough Progressives In Congress
Arch-conservative and corrupt Democrat Joe Manchin once said that "If people want more progressive policies, they should elect more progressives to Congress." we made a meme out...
Congress’ Big Chill
I want you to look at this little box below from ProgressivePunch. It shows the two members of Congress who have the most progressive voting records.
They are just fractionally...
Reclaiming May Day #Solidarity2022
May Day has more than one meaning. The origin is an ancient festival marking the first day of summer in some cultures and a spring holiday in others. But in 1889 May Day was c...
Endorsement Alert: Meet Joaquín Vázquez
California's 51st congressional district-- now CA-52-- is the very southwest corner of the continental U.S., in the San Diego area and along the Mexican border all the way to Ar...
We Endorse Kylie Taitano For Congress
It's our duty to find excellent candidates like Kylie Taitano but it's especially wonderful when we get a really good candidate running against a really bad one-- and that's how...
Democratic Establishment Sabotaging Primaries Again
Team Blue PAC sounds good, right? Don't be fooled; it isn't. Three exceptionally bad status quo Democrats in the House started it to protect conservative incumbents being prima...
Abandoned By The DCCC 2020
With a tiny handful of exceptions-- basically Kara Eastman, Joyce Elliott and Dana Balter (who is running in a D+3 district)-- Cheri Bustos and her DCCC have once again decided ...
WA-10: It’s Progressive Beth Doglio vs Corporate Conservative Marilyn Strickland
Republicans aren't competitive in Washington's 10th district-- basically most of Thurston County (Olympia) and part of Pierce County (Tacoma area). With incumbent Denny Heck ret...
Brianna Wu: A Bolder Democratic Party
Brianna Wu is running an uphill primary campaign in a solid blue district that voted for Bernie in 2016. (PVI is D+10)
Brianna's opponent is entrenched New Dem Stephen Lynch, o...
Whose Side Is The DCCC On?
Cheri Bustos, the anti-democracy Blue Dog running the DCCC, is determined to make sure no more progressives get into Congress. Currently she is working against the election effo...
Don’t Let The Kochs Take Over The Democratic Party
No Democrats should be taking any Koch money for any reason. No one should be allowed to call him- or herself a Democrat if they do take Koch money.
Omaha? Blue America Endorses Kara Eastman
It's strong, idealistic women with real life experience like @karaforcongress who are going to change America, not decrepit, recycled, reactionary Blue Dogs pushed by a corrupt establishment. Blue America proudly endorses Kara Eastman for #NE02!