Tag: Progressive

Best Progressive Investment of 2014 Is Ted Lieu

Last cycle, Blue America had a powerful feeling he would make an exceptional Member of Congress. We were right.

No Better Candidate– Draft Donna Edwards for Barb’s Senate Seat

Donna has proven to be a stalwart progressive in the House with a perfect record on the issues. It would be a sad day indeed to see Barbara Mikulski's seat go to anyone less worthy. 

PA Progressive takes 55% of the vote in a 4-way race for May Primary

PA's "Liberal Lion" killed the competition with 55% of the vote between four Democratic candidates for the open seat in PA-13. He's the most exciting candidate since Alan Grayson. We need to make sure he gets elected.

You want populist policies? Elect Populist candidates– like Pat Murphy in Iowa

The only way to change the way things run in DC is to elect the people who we can trust to do the right thing - like Pat Murphy in IA. If you can, please chip in to help get Pat to Washington: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/blueamerica14?refcode=Jan26CnL

California’s Most Outstanding Senate Candidate–Blue America Endorses Tony Mendoza for CA State Senate

Last night Wisconsin's extreme right Governor, ideologue Scott Walker, suffered a major rebuke when his acolyte, Jeff Stone, was soundly defeated in the race for his old job, Milwaukee County Executive, by a little-known Democrat, Chris Abele. It

Blue America’s Alan Grayson Wins Florida Primary

Congratulations, Alan! Great news from a great progressive candidate.

Down With Tyranny:

(Tuesday) Florida had its congressional primaries and with

Take Back America with a Responsible Plan For Iraq

Our current Congress isn't doing it. But progressive activists aren't taking that lying down. At the Take Back America conference currently going on

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club with Joni Mitchell

This morning our Blue America candidate was Alan Grayson, the progressive lawyer who's been taking on war profiteers in Iraq. He's also a major Joni M

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club with the Flaming Lips

Tomorrow our Blue America candidate is an extraordinary state senator from Oklahoma, Andrew Rice, a seminary school graduate who is firmly anchored in

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club with Los Lonely Boys

(guest blogged by Howie Klein)

Hilda Solis is one of the dozen most progressive members of Congress. She represents East L.A. and the burgeoning subu

Blue America is