Tag: TPP

Road to Taking Back Congress Starts in WA-08

This district is a winnable, progressive district that we must turn blue if we are going to turn the House back to our side. We’re asking you to consider chipping in whatever you can to help Jason, a stalwart progressive.

Jeff Denham (R-CA)– Disingenuous And Misleading

Denham is well aware that his Democratic-leaning district would not put up with a $700 million Medicare ripoff to grease the skids of the TPP, so he tried to disguise his support.

WE CAN Stop Fast Track (Action Alert)

18 Democratic Members of Congress are leaning in favor of voting for "Fast Track." As a public service, here's their phone numbers and a primer on how to change their minds. Call one; call them all. Exercise your constitutional right to redress your grievances. Make them listen.

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