(blogged by Howie Klein) Blue America is holding a live blog session today (2PM, est) with Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire over at Firedoglake. She is probably the most grassroots freshman elected last year– battling the establishments of both parties to become a truly progressive and truly independent voice for New Hampshire's first CD. And, speaking of first, she's also the first woman New Hampshire has ever sent to Congress. She has a tough re-match shaping up with Bush rubber stamper Jeb Bradley, who outspent her 5 to 1 last time and is willing to outspend her 10 to on if that's what it takes to get back "his" seat. It's one we should defend. Take a look at Carol defending our values on the floor of the House yesterday:
You can contribute–here at Blue America or head over to FDL at 2PM to join the conversation. Preview up now at Down With Tyranny.