Tag: White House

Blue America Contest: Help Us Pick The Candidate

Today's the first day of a week-long Blue America contest, I'd like to invite you to participate in. Some of our candidates have been endorsed by the

Blue America Candidate Alan Grayson’s New Ad for Florida Seat

Hell yeah, that's the kind of ad all Democrats should be running. Howie has more:

Blue America-endorsed candidate running against garden variety ru

10 House Races Heading In One Direction

And it's not good for the Republican party.

CA-04 — OPEN (Doolittle) — Solid Republican to Likely Republican
CO-04 — Marilyn Musgrave — Lean

Help Leslie Byrne defeat Bush Dog Gerry Connolly

A week from Tuesday (June 10) Virginia holds its primaries and the one we're watching most closely is between the progressive Blue America-endorsed Le

If A Blue Dog Won’t Fight For Our Freedom, We Will

Earlier today Glenn Greenwald, The Seminal and DownWithTyranny did posts on accountability for members of Congress who buckle under to Bush's demands

Join in: Tell Elizabeth Dole To Stop Racist Attack Ads Against Barack Obama

This is a great idea. It appears that the Republican nominee for the presidency---John McImpotent, can do nothing to pull the racist attack ads agains

Blue America Welcomes Jim Neal

This afternoon at 2pm (in North Carolina, 11am here at C&L World Headquarters) Blue America is hosting our first Q&A with progressive senate candidate Jim Neal, who is running against Bush rubber stamp Elizabeth Dole for a seat-- ironically

Primary Send Shivers Through Capitol Moderates

More and better Democrats....that's the plan. And don't think for a minute that the leadership isn't getting very nervous. Blue America and its othe

Democracy Now! Speaks With Primary Winner Donna Edwards

[media id=4246] [media id=4247] (h/t Heather)

Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman speaks to the winner of a hotly contested and closely watched primary ch

Dan Lipinski (IL-03) Sends Out Flyer; Calls Mark Pera’s Backers DFHs

Okay, actually, he called the OpenLeft bloggers "punks" instead of dirty hippies, but the intent is clear.

I don't think I've seen more clichés an

Another Republican Calling It Quits–Jim Walsh (NY-25) To Retire

The Post Standard (Syracuse):

Rep. Jim Walsh said today he plans to retire from Congress at the end of his term in January 2009, ending a 20-year c

Action Alert: Tell The FCC – Grassroots Donors Count!

Via Public Campaign:
We, the undersigned, have added our names to this letter as online members of Public Campaign, a national nonprofit organization

Blue America is