C&L Live Chat with Marcy Winograd, Blue America Candidate for CA-36

Blue America is very proud to be endorsing Marcy Winograd for Congress today. She’s our first challenger for the election cycle– and our first endorsement in 2010. We didn’t play eeny meeny miny mo to decide she would be our first candidate. For us she’s a model candidate– the kind of leader we’re looking for to represent working families and progressive ideals in a Congress where neither gets taken seriously when push comes to shove. Let me quote from the opening lines of a flier her Jobs Not War campaign sent out to voters in CA-36 yesterday:

I live my life as a progressive. As an educator, I work to strengthen public education. As a human rights advocate, I promote peace and protection of innocent civilians caught in the middle of war and occupation.

We endorsed Marcy in her first run against virulent warmonger and Blue Dog Jane Harman, the second richest member of Congress (after Darrell Issa) in 2006. We’ve had a lot of time to get to know her. And the better we’ve gotten to know her, the more we like her, not just as a person– which is surprising meaningful– but as a potential leader of the Donna Edwards sort. Like Donna, Marcy is more than just a political job seeker with a package of consultant-tested positions. Like Donna, she’s been a movement progressive, a community activist, and a grassroots leader– a co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of PDA and a tireless worker for the ideals progressives aspire to.

Marcy’s race is about more than just replacing a notorious Blue Dog with a progressive voter in Congress. Sure, Harman was the Bush Regime’s favorite House member– and even publicly bragged that she is “the best Republican in the Democratic Party”– but what enthuses us so much about Marcy has nothing to do with Harman. It’s all about Marcy. From the occupation of Afghanistan to comprehensive universal healthcare she has been on the frontlines formulating progressive approaches and strategies. John and Digby and I are relieved that when Marcy is in Congress, none of us are going to have to call her up and twist her arm– or even hold her hand– about voting the right way. It’s more likely she’ll be calling us and telling us who the nervous nellies are who need… bolstering.

You can read the rest of this post at DownWithTyranny but more important, please join us in the comments section here at C&L for a free wielding q&a with Marcy. If you like what you here, please consider joining us in donating to her campaign.


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