Republicans fear George Bush’s new book could influence the midterms
It's all coming into place. My hope that America would be reminded that the mess our country is in is a direct result of George W. Bush's administ
Jeb Bush fundraises for Rand Paul on the anniversary of the ADA
A Bush is what a Bush does, even if his name is Jeb. How awkward would you feel if you have to stump for a candidate on the anniversary of the pas
Check out Blue America’s GOP 2010 APP store video. “Think Crazy” UPDATED
Blue America is doing what we can to inform the public in matters that...well...matter. We are releasing a new video today.
Howie Klein explains
Blue America’s Build-a-“Beat Boehner” Billboard Contest is Rocking
Our new Beat Boehner campaign which is highlighted by our push to buy as many as three billboards in Boehner's district has been doing incredibly well
Alan Grayson to join C&L at 4:30 PDT/7:30 EDT PM for a Special Live Chat UPDATED: Now 5 pm PDT
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Alan Grayson is joining Blue America on C&L today at 4:30 PST/7:30 EST [UPDATED] 5 PM for a Special Live Chat to help with his fun
Alan Grayson powerfully channels Eisenhower’s “Chance for Freedom’ Speech
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We have a little exclusive from the great Congressman from Florida.
Alan Grayson adapts Eisenhower's 1953 speech called: "The Cha
OFA should be ashamed of itself for supporting a putrid Blue Dog like Jim Matheson in Utah
Blue America must be shaking Jim Matheson up since we threw our support behind Claudia Wright in the upcoming primary. I know, you're thinking, co
Heart and Soul: Marcy Winograd!
I'm in Marcy's district and many of you know that I was asked to run against Jane Harman, but I knew it was Marcy's time and I'm so happy for her.
Blue America Contest: It’s ‘May Senate Primaries’ Time
Blue America just started a new, fun contest. We're trying to make the Senate a more progressive place to live in. So, it's time for The May Senate
Special Blue America live chat Thursday at 4PM Eastern with a challenger to Crying John Boehner named Justin Coussoule
Tomorrow, we're having a special live chat that I'm sure you'll all enjoy. We've found someone to take on John Boehner. Yes, the man who was passing
Enter the Blue America Contest to fight against the new Blue Dog Think Tank
Who Let the Blue Dogs Out? (Woof!) It was Rahm Emanuel, as everyone knows. Well, the Blue Dogs have now joined with K Street lobbyists to set up a s
Blanche Lincoln’s a lying liar: ads, attacks on Bill Halter based on blatant deceptions
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(Audio via The Nation)
You can donate to Bill Halter's campaign on our Send The Democrats a Message page.
Blanche Lincoln must be