Author: John Amato

Feingold & Dodd Amendment fails on FISA

Their amendment went down. I believe the final vote was 32-66...

Specter's was rejected too.

Here's some voting information. It's just coming out no

Blue America’s FISA dollars at Work: Full page ad at the Washington Post

Check out the new full page Blue America ad placed in the Washington Post today. Thank you all so much for donating to our Blue America/FISA fund so

Blue America launches FISA Whip count call tool: Let them know!

You spoke and we listened. You donated intensely and we are taking action. We've run ads and now we're hitting the phones. Blue America has just la

Update on FISA: Obama, Harry Reid, Calls to Hoyer

Here's a quick update. There was a vote today on the floor in favor of cloture on the FISA bill 80-15, which means there will be 30 hours of debate on

Rep. Tom Allen’s Memorial Day Video

Blue America's Tom Allen made a great tribute video for the men and women who have served and are still serving in the military for the upcoming hol

Join in: Tell Elizabeth Dole To Stop Racist Attack Ads Against Barack Obama

This is a great idea. It appears that the Republican nominee for the presidency---John McImpotent, can do nothing to pull the racist attack ads agains

Please Join me in Hollywood for a ‘Darcy Burner’ Fundraiser on Wednesday

I'm one of a few people co-hosting a fundraiser in Hollywood, CA for Blue America's Darcy Burner this Wednesday night from 6-8 PM....Please join me i

$45,000 and counting

Blue America's FISA fundraiser is doing incredible. Thanks so much and keep contributing if possible so we can take swift action against the Bush Dogs

Blue America PAC against FISA Retroactive Immunity: Targeting Bush Dogs

Donate if you can to our new FISA page. The Blue Dogs for retroactive Immunity are stomping their feet and writing letters to Nancy Pelosi:

In a Jan

Please can it with the Harold Ford for DNC chairman talk

By this statement alone Ford should be booted out of the DLC. This man is an embarrassment:

"There is not a better Congressman in Washington than C

Blue America’s Donna Edwards

FDL is hosting a chat with our very own and most excellent Donna Edwards.


Within an hour of Wynn's concession Donna had written an e-mail to Bl

Mike and the Mad Dog endorses Blue America’s Jim Himes

[media id=4253] QT only...

Blue America's Donna Edwards just won her primary against Al Wynn and now we're ready to see Jim Himes take it to Chris

Blue America is