Author: Nicole Belle

Turn Up The Heat On Congress Over FISA

Run, don't walk...

Christy at FDL has all the pertinent numbers.

There has always been a tension between individual liberty and governmental power.

Congressional Races Update

Mark Kirk (R-IL10): "if we see Obama, there's a shoot-on-sight order". He meant to say Osama, but how many times will we see this mistake from a Repub

10 House Races Heading In One Direction

And it's not good for the Republican party.

CA-04 — OPEN (Doolittle) — Solid Republican to Likely Republican
CO-04 — Marilyn Musgrave — Lean

Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Naturally) Jokes About The Death Of Hillary Clinton

NW Progressive:

Not only is Dave Reichert an ineffective congressman, but he has a twisted sense of humor, as the Tacoma News Tribune's Niki Sulliva

Blue America Welcomes Judy Feder (VA-10)

Our Blue America candidate today is Judy Feder from northern Virginia in the 'burbs outside Washington, an area that used to be dependably Republican

Disenfranchising Indianan Nuns Gives Oklahoma GOP Ideas

Isn't that just like the GOP? Others hear about not letting 80 and 90 year old nuns vote and they shake their heads and say, "that's awful." But the G

Al Wynn Resigns From His Seat

From the press release:

Dickstein Shapiro LLP is pleased to announce that Congressman Albert Wynn (D-Md.) will join the firm's Public Policy &

Take Back America with a Responsible Plan For Iraq

Our current Congress isn't doing it. But progressive activists aren't taking that lying down. At the Take Back America conference currently going on

Blue America Welcomes Andrew Rice

Down With Tyranny!

As grassroots Democrat Andrew Rice, running against (Oklahoma Republican James) Inhofe for the U.S. Senate, hammers away at Inho

Primary Send Shivers Through Capitol Moderates

More and better Democrats....that's the plan. And don't think for a minute that the leadership isn't getting very nervous. Blue America and its othe

Democracy Now! Speaks With Primary Winner Donna Edwards

[media id=4246] [media id=4247] (h/t Heather)

Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman speaks to the winner of a hotly contested and closely watched primary ch

Dan Lipinski (IL-03) Sends Out Flyer; Calls Mark Pera’s Backers DFHs

Okay, actually, he called the OpenLeft bloggers "punks" instead of dirty hippies, but the intent is clear.

I don't think I've seen more clichés an

Blue America is