Category: Smash The Patriarchy

Freedom Anthem From North Carolina’s Erica Smith on July 4th

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me 'round, turn me 'round, turn me 'round, 

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me 'round,

I'm gonna keep on a walkin', 

keep on a-talkin',

Marching up...

East Bay Endorsement Alert: Janani Ramachandran

Ramachandran, endorsed today by Blue America-- you can contribute to her campaign by clicking on the state legislative thermometer on the right-- was also endorsed by the San J...

Ohio Endorsement Alert: Nina Turner

And when have you ever heard me use the word "great" to describe a candidate we're endorsing? Nina really is. You want to see a more functional progressive movement inside Congr...

The Republican Party Is Targeting Marie Newman

A few days ago, the NRCC announced ten new targets they're working on flipping. Most of the seats are held by a pack of conservative New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican w...

Meet Jessica Mason– She’s What Congress Should Be Like Going Into The 21st Century

The Dallas progressive activist is taking on a Democratic incumbent long overdue for retirement, too comfy corporate shill, Eddie Bernice Johnson. I implore you-- I beg you-- to...

Why It’s Worth Contributing To Candidates This Late In The Cycle

Millions of Americans have already voted.

By this past Friday evening 2,647,845 Texans had voted, 2,413,292 Floridians, 2,947,941 Californians, 1,397,929 Michiganders, 1,293,12...

Julie And Mike– The Key To Flipping Texas

Many Texas voters-- particularly in the suburbs and exurbs around Dallas-Ft Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio-- are sick of Trump and giving up on his enablers. And wheth...

Florida, Florida, Florida

Florida, the ultimate swing state, has played a decisive role in too many presidential elections. Every single vote counts in any statewide election there. In 2018, Republican R...

There’s Something Very Strange– And Very Dangerous– Going On In Milwaukee’s Republican Suburbs

Wisconsin is a thinking state and in 2016 both national parties nominated the worst possible contenders for people accustomed to using their brains. By the end of the ...

Google Removed Our Ad. Where Is The ‘Shocking Content’?

Blue America's IE Committee has begun purchasing ads for our candidates. The first batch went up as a YouTube pre-roll for Kara Eastman (NE-02), Liam O'Mara (CA-42), Mike Siegel...

Blue America Endorses “Good Trouble” Candidate Nikema Williams

Georgia's 5th congressional district-- most of Atlanta-- hasn't been in play since 1986, the legendary John Lewis' first term. In fact, Republicans have never run a serious camp...

A Wyoming Democrat Campaigning For Senate on A Platform That Includes Keeping Public Lands In Public Hands

Merav Ben-David isn't a typical Wyoming name. She was born in Israel, grew up on a farm, served in the Israeli Air Force, and earned a PhD in Wildlife Management in Alaska. Toda...

Blue America is