Next Stop For The Blue Wave– North Carolina And Indiana
Dan and Jenny are two of the most intelligent, independent-minded and passionate leaders we've come across in our many years of vetting progressive candidates. All of us at Blue America believe any support you can give them is richly deserved and will be wisely used-- a real step towards getting more members in the vein of Ro Khanna, Barbara Lee, Mark Pocan, Ted Lieu and Pramila Jayapal into Congress.
People Who Say It Cannot Be Done Should Not Interrupt Those Who Are Doing It
Allison Ikley-Freeman's successful campaign for a state Senate seat in Oklahoma last week-- where Trump beat Hillary 61.4-32.7% has blown the DCCC strategy all to hell. Blue America to the rescue!
Remember Virginia Foxx? Meet Jenny Marshall, Her Progressive Challenger
It's way past time for Virginia Foxx's brand of hate and vitriol to retire from Congress. We've found a real progressive fighter to take her place, and we hope you can join us to help her take NC05 back-- for the People.
Trump Coddles His Fascist Followers, Claims Incorrectly Charlottesville Violence Was “On Many Sides”
The Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring, lectured Trump that "the violence, chaos, and apparent loss of life in Charlottesville is not the fault of 'many sides.' It is racists and white supremacists."
North Carolina Needs Our Help
The people in Virginia Foxx and Mark Meadows' NC districts are looking for an authentic solution to the problems of working families, not gutting the social safety net so billionaires can have tax cuts. We have two great candidates ready to step up.
Heroes and Villains
What will it take to create real change with the Democratic Party? Most of the money raised after the Trumpcare vote went to dccc-front groups, who'll waste it on more crappy Corporatists, Progressives, who can win.