Tag: Ohio

Can You Spare $1.30 To Help Flip An Ohio Congressional District?

No one is kidding themselves about Ohio’s sprawling 12th district in the central and eastern part of the state. It stretches from the Columbus suburbs into the rural Appalachi...

Are You Serious About Global Warming?

Current incumbent Troy Balderson dropped out of college and went to work for his father’s car business, drove it into bankruptcy and became a career politician, jumping from o...

Blue America Endorsement Alert: Jerrad Christian (OH-12)

Ohio’s sprawling 12th district was thrown together by the gerrymanderers in the state legislature from bits and pieces of various leftover areas— from the suburbs of Columbu...

Good News For Democrats In The Redistricting Front– Courts Caught GOP Cheating

[F]ederal judges last month struck down Alabama’s congressional lines and ordered Republican lawmakers to craft a new map that includes two heavily Black districts instead of ...

Ohio Endorsement Alert: Morgan Harper For U.S. Senate

"This is a wide open U.S. Senate seat in one of the most competitive states in the country. But between you and me, I don’t think Democrats will flip Ohio if we nominate anoth...

We CAN Have A Better Congress– And We Need To

We need a political revolution in Congress as much as we need it in the White House! Here's where to start:

Ohio shouldn’t be represented by someone working for China– Help Justin Beat Boehner

Blue America letter asking for help to buy media for Justin Coussoule in OH-08

Live chat with Justin Coussoule: Campaigning to prevent House Speaker John Boehner: UPDATED by Alan Grayson!

John Amato: I hope you'll join Blue America in donating what you feel you can to the Coussoule campaign.

The idea of tobacco lobbyist John Boehner

Jean Schmidt Is A Lying B****!

Well, duh. But this time, it's one of her fellow Republicans talking her down.


Every now and then we like to check in on the latest antics su

Late Night Music Club with Red Smear

Today's NY Times made it clear that the WGA strikers were the stars of last night's Golden Globes ceremony-- and that NBC just did a bumbling and inau

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