Tomorrow our Blue America candidate is an extraordinary state senator from Oklahoma, Andrew Rice, a seminary school graduate who is firmly anchored in basic progressive values and principles. And he’s taking on one of the most reactionary maniacs in the entire U.S. Senate, Jim “No Such Thing As Global Warming” Inhofe. Make your way over to Firedoglake tomorrow at 1pm Central Time (11am here on the West Coast) and get involved with the live chat between Andrew and members of the Blue America Community. You can also contribute to his campaign on our Blue America page.
We asked him what his favorite music is and he told us he’s always singing Woody Guthrie’s “Oklahoma Hills” to his kids but that among contemporary bands, he’s got some constituents he’s very gung-ho over: the Flaming Lips. In fact here’s a live version of “She Don’t Use Jelly” recorded right there in Oklahoma City.