Author: Jacqrat

Fighting The Right Wing Since 2006

Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny, Digby of Hullabaloo, John Amato of Crooks and Liars, (and me) Jacquie-- who was fired up  to join this passionate, creative team and b...

Let’s WIN in Virginia

Early voting in Virginia is in full swing and Election Day is a week from Tuesday— ten days from now. 

ABC News just reminded folks that these elections for Virgini...

This Super Progressive CA District Deserves a Super Heroine

This past week Howie used his usual “Thursdays with Howie” segment on the Nicole Sandler Show to help Maebe A Girl boost her “Super Progressive” message.

I’m with H...

Mayor Bryan Osorio vs The Conservative “Approach” To The Climate Crisis

Delano, California Mayor Bryan Osorio is the only progressive in a crowded race for the Republican-held congressional seat in the Central Valley (CA-21). It's the most Democrati...

Freedom Anthem From North Carolina’s Erica Smith on July 4th

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me 'round, turn me 'round, turn me 'round, 

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me 'round,

I'm gonna keep on a walkin', 

keep on a-talkin',

Marching up...

Yes, I Will Always Send The Elevator Down– Guest Post By Rishi Kumar, CA-18

This country is a dream come true. I want to give everything I can for America and Silicon Valley, who I love dearly. I will fight for your interests, not for special interests....

The Case For Political Courageousness

Howie: A couple of weeks ago, we met Liam O'Mara, through my own lens. Now lets revisit him through his own. "I am running as a progressive populist in a red district in Califor...

Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch, Save America!

Gun safety reforms. Election security. Net Neutrality. Voting rights. The House has passed all sorts of bills that the American people overwhelmingly support, yet they’re dead...

Wooing Rural Voters In North Carolina With Progressive And Populist Policies– Meet Jason Butler (NC-02)

Trump has convinced rural America to trade its economic future for a red hat of hostility. He’s convinced rural folks that pushing others down is the path to power, but the only true path to success is by lifting others up, not by pushing them down.

Not All Candidates Back Medicare-For-All; These Do

Over 70 percent of ALL Americans want Medicare for All; yet tone deaf Leadership has signaled their priority when back in power is to install PAYGO -- We're fighting back by supporting the candidates who'll support US.

Is 2018 The Year We Break The GOP Strangle-Hold On Texas?

The kind of economic populism these progressives are campaigning about is a clear path to victory for enhancing a blue wave in Texas.

Blue America is