Charlie Brown & Blue America
Howie Klein has been hosting Blue America "Meet the Candidates" at FireDogLake for a while now and it's been a great success in getting
GOP Redirecting Funds from Faltering Races
Faced with a deteriorating political climate, Republican Party officials are hoping to keep control of the House and Senate with a strategy aim
Live Q&A with Joe Sestak
FireDogLake is hosting a live Q&A with Joe Sestak right now.
Go on over and ask a few questions of one of our ActBlue candidates.
Reminder: Ther
Right Wing Has Its Sights on MoveOn
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." ~Mohandas Gandhi Well, if the Mahatma is to be believed,
Election Update
Keeping our eyes on the prize, let's look at the current standings on the mid-term election.
Slate: Max Blumenthal and Charles Franklin give thei
Doolittle doing little
The Nation
On Capitol Hill Thursday, about 60 citizens wearing "Got Paper?" t-shirts attended a packed hearing on H.R. 550, a bill introdu
How About Asking a Veteran What Supporting the Troops Really Means?
Via DKos
Lt. Colonel Charlie Brown (USAF Ret.) responds to Congressman John Doolittle's recent column about "supporting the troops":