Tag: Climate Change

Are You Serious About Global Warming?

Current incumbent Troy Balderson dropped out of college and went to work for his father’s car business, drove it into bankruptcy and became a career politician, jumping from o...

Pervez Agwan Stands For Justice, Equality And Opportunity

We’re reaching out on behalf of progressive Houstonians who need a congress member who will represent them, not pay for play corporate interests. Pervez Agwan is a progressive...

Pervez Agwan Is Battling Big Oil And $ Head-on, In Their Own Backyard

Today Blue America has endorsed Pervez for the TX-07 congressional seat and we humbly ask you to consider chipping in to his entirely grassroots campaign here.

Mayor Bryan Osorio vs The Conservative “Approach” To The Climate Crisis

Delano, California Mayor Bryan Osorio is the only progressive in a crowded race for the Republican-held congressional seat in the Central Valley (CA-21). It's the most Democrati...

What Does Clean Energy Actually Mean?

"We are so far past the point of incremental solutions when it comes to climate change," he told me yesterday. "The IPCC report could not have put our crisis in starker terms-- ...

A Look At The Future Of American Political Leadership: Mondaire Jones

This year, Mondaire Jones started to climb a hill most people thought was impossible. He began a primary campaign against one of Pelosi's most powerful allies in Congress, Nita ...

Montana’s Open Congressional Seat Is Ready For Progressive Dem Tom Winter

There's a red hot 2020 race for Montana's one at-large congressional district to replace pugilistic multimillionaire Greg Gianforte. State Rep. Tom Winter is the progressive in ...

Winning In The Heartland: Meet Dr. David Gill

David was an enthusiastic Bernie activist and the platform he's running on is almost entirely based on the issues he and Bernie have long championed. We asked him to re-introduce himself to Blue America members.

There is only One Way to Stop Trump

The only way to beat back the 'Trumpocalypse' is by taking back the House in 2018 midterms. Time's over for infighting, "what ifs" and "Your Faults." Here is where to start:

No Exaggeration: The Survival Of Mankind

You want the government to deal seriously with Climate Change? You must realize the only way to do that is to bring on congressional change.

Who Decides Who The Candidate Will Be– Locals Or The DCCC?

The “we don’t get involved in contested primaries” DCCC is doing it again. Help us make them think twice the next time.

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