Blue America Welcomes Alan Grayson For A Discussion Of American Policy In Afghanistan
Alan Grayson has been a big Blue America fave ever since we first met up with him in January, 2008. He was our first endorsement that year and one o
Hope vs Failure: Is There Anything We Can Do As Citizens, Short Of Going Out On The Streets Like The Iranian Patriots?
The DCCC sent out an exceptionally well-done clip today pointing to the difference between Obama's vision of Hope and the Republican vision of failu
Congressional Races Update
Mark Kirk (R-IL10): "if we see Obama, there's a shoot-on-sight order". He meant to say Osama, but how many times will we see this mistake from a Repub
Chris Carney, Comcast and Warrantless Wiretaps
Blue America has been asking for donations to help in our nonpartisan campaign to hold members of Congress accountable when they vote against the Cons
Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Naturally) Jokes About The Death Of Hillary Clinton
NW Progressive:
Not only is Dave Reichert an ineffective congressman, but he has a twisted sense of humor, as the Tacoma News Tribune's Niki Sulliva
Disenfranchising Indianan Nuns Gives Oklahoma GOP Ideas
Isn't that just like the GOP? Others hear about not letting 80 and 90 year old nuns vote and they shake their heads and say, "that's awful." But the G
Blue America: Holding Rahm Emanuel Accountable: UPDATED
(The Accountability Moment) Updated: Here's some pics from ICIRR folks that have joined Blue America. And here is an audio report from Chicago Publi
Dan Gerstein: A Permanent Blog Stalker
Gerstein has a problem with my friend, Jane Hamsher. Yes, Hillary Clinton blogged at FDL. It made sense: discuss equal pay on a blog that is run by s
A C&L Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!!!
For 2007---I'm going to keep exposing the media smears as best as I can and just echo Duncan's words:
And, I suppose thi
What Bush Bounce
If President Bush ever did get a bounce in the polls from the fifth anniversary commemoration of Sept. 11, it has completely
Tancredo gets his “Hate” on
Remember when Joe Klein recently said:
Rove has shown a positive genius for organizing campaigns around poisonous trivia. He will question the patri