Tag: The Senate

C&L Live Chat With Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR)

More than with many candidates Blue America supported for the U.S. Senate, it always seemed to us that with Jeff Merkley (D-OR) we were electing one

Dan Gelber (D-FL) For U.S. Senate

[Editor's note: Crooks and Liars is pleased to host a chat with Dan Gelber, the only progressive running for Florida's soon-to-be-open Senate seat.

Join in: Tell Elizabeth Dole To Stop Racist Attack Ads Against Barack Obama

This is a great idea. It appears that the Republican nominee for the presidency---John McImpotent, can do nothing to pull the racist attack ads agains

Blue America Welcomes Jim Neal

This afternoon at 2pm (in North Carolina, 11am here at C&L World Headquarters) Blue America is hosting our first Q&A with progressive senate candidate Jim Neal, who is running against Bush rubber stamp Elizabeth Dole for a seat-- ironically

Primary Send Shivers Through Capitol Moderates

More and better Democrats....that's the plan. And don't think for a minute that the leadership isn't getting very nervous. Blue America and its othe

Hardball Power Rankings: John McCain Is MASTER & COMMANDER!

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It's no secret that Chris Matthews has a mancrush on Senator John McCain, but I think he needs to take a step back

Susan Collins needs to apologize!

Collins has a very troubling man---Director of Internet Strategy, Lance Dutson running her operation. Jamie highlighted his post here...FDL responded

Cast a vote against Lieberman’s pernicious politics tonight

Howie Klein at DownWithTyranny tells you how...

Blue America talks to Tom Allen

Today's Blue America guest at Firedoglake will be Congressman Tom Allen.

When Howie talked to him a few days ago in preparation for the live blog ses

Rothenberg Predicts Democratic Senate!

This is huge. Stuart Rothenberg already predicted a Democratic House (34-40 seat gain) but now he's predicting the Senate will go blue too.

Ned Lamont ad and a little Al

Lieberman borders on racism too:


Sharpton also indulged in a bit of punditry, offering an explanation of the Lieberman camp's tactic.

David Brooks on Lieberman: “Democrats privately despise the netroots”

It's always refreshing to hear a conservative pundit explain the liberal blogosphere to the world. He's another Lieberman supporter who loves to at

Blue America is