Alan Grayson’s Got Your Back on Foreclosure Fraud. Won’t you get his on November 2nd? UPDATED
You know, when America's worst columnist devotes an entire piece to his eliminationist right-wing wish for the voters to "purge" you from the American scene, you have to figure you're scoring, and against some sensitive targets. Why else target
Raul Grijalva has your back on foreclosure fraud. Will you have his on November 2nd?
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Mortgage reform is not a second tier or niche issue. The economy we’re facing now is in part a direct result of the housing collapse brought on by predatory lending and irresponsible
Mary Jo Kilroy’s Got your back on Foreclosure Fraud. Won’t you get hers on November 2nd?
If you want someone who isn't afraid to take on the big corporate interests, someone who isn't afraid to take on entrenched political power, who isn't afraid ... period, you'll vote for Mary Jo Kilroy. She's got your back. Won't you get hers?
Justin Coussoule’s got your back on foreclosure fraud. Won’t you get his on November 2nd?
Justin Coussoule
Justin Coussoule is running against John Boehner, a wholly owned subsidiary of the financial business sector which is being exposed all across America as fraudulent enterprises foreclosing on homes without provable title or
Blue Dogs have no loyalty or shame. Case in point: AZ’s Gabby Giffords
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Rep. Gabby Giffords is the perfect example of why Democrats in Congress should shun Blue Dogs.
Howie Klein explains:
Ed Schultz agrees with Blue America: John Boehner is the poster boy of out of touch Republicans
Ed Schultz just loved our anti-Boehner campaign and featured Blue America's Beat Boehner actions for almost 13 minutes. I think we can all agree
PGA Tour picks up Blue America’s Beat Boehner Billboard and FOX finds he’s got personalized “tees”
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Well, well, well. Not only is our Beat Boewhner Billboards catchiung the imagination of Ohio and the media, but also the PGA Tour.
Rand Paul kidnaps female student at Baylor and forces her to worship the ‘AQUA BUDDHA’ as part of a secret society
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Rand Paul's controversial and insane beliefs have now transmitted into his life experience as a new profile that was published by
Blue America’s John Boehner TV ads going LIVE….Please keep them running!
(New John Boehner ad. New John Boehner ad. New John Boehner ad.) You can see how much his golf habit costs him. How much do you spend just on your
Rand Paul never got a degree from Baylor and never corrected the record
Rand Paul is at it again. Sam Stein:
Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul was caught in a now-familiar campaign mishap on Thursday wh
Beat Boehner Billboard on the Big Ed Show: “That’s a classic, isn’t it?”
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Big Ed loved our Beat Boehner Billboard yesterday and gave it a nice shout out.
Ed Schultz: And check out this billboard, no wo
The ‘Beat Boehner’ Billboard is live and it’s causing quite a stir
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I want to thank everyone for donating to our latest Blue America cause, because the Beat Boehner Billboard is rocking.