Winning In The Heartland: Meet Dr. David Gill
David was an enthusiastic Bernie activist and the platform he's running on is almost entirely based on the issues he and Bernie have long championed. We asked him to re-introduce himself to Blue America members.
Remember Virginia Foxx? Meet Jenny Marshall, Her Progressive Challenger
It's way past time for Virginia Foxx's brand of hate and vitriol to retire from Congress. We've found a real progressive fighter to take her place, and we hope you can join us to help her take NC05 back-- for the People.
Blue America’s Newest Endorsed Candidate Derrick Crowe
Taking back Congress means making inroads in districts like these, despite the gerrymandering. With an extraordinary candidate like Derrick Crowe, TX-21 is a winnable seat, that's urgently needed.
Trump Coddles His Fascist Followers, Claims Incorrectly Charlottesville Violence Was “On Many Sides”
The Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring, lectured Trump that "the violence, chaos, and apparent loss of life in Charlottesville is not the fault of 'many sides.' It is racists and white supremacists."
Why Is One Of America’s Top Cancer Researchers Running For Congress? Meet Jason Westin
Dr. Westin: "We have a true opportunity to build upon the legacy of the Medicare and Medicaid platform, and we must seize this moment." We agree 100%.
A More progressive Democratic Party In Rahm’s Chicago? Why Not!
Current IL-03 Rep. Dan Lipinski is part of an antediluvian machine and seeks only to please his donors. We're very glad that Marie Newman, has stepped up to represent actual people who live in her district.
Turning Orange County Blue– AND Progressive
The DCCC are at it again, this time in Orange County, which used to be Deep Red GOP, but Hillary beat Trump there! Time for real Democrats to take their seats.
STUFF IT, Mitch. Same to the turtle you rode in on.
If this week has shown us anything it's that it's vitally urgent that the Democrats take back the House in 2018.
We Are Replacing Ryan This Cycle
Randy Bryce is absolutely the right candidate at the right time to beat Paul Ryan and help lead the Democrats in turning America around. Blue America’s Howie Klein said, “We are not exaggerating at all by telling you this is the most important race of the 2018 cycle, the race that’s going to stop the Republicans in their tracks and rethink the direction they’ve taken themselves in.
North Carolina Needs Our Help
The people in Virginia Foxx and Mark Meadows' NC districts are looking for an authentic solution to the problems of working families, not gutting the social safety net so billionaires can have tax cuts. We have two great candidates ready to step up.
Winning Back A Blue Seat In California Takes A Progressive
After losing 1,000 seats over the past eight years you'd think the Establishment Dems would get a clue.
Heroes and Villains
What will it take to create real change with the Democratic Party? Most of the money raised after the Trumpcare vote went to dccc-front groups, who'll waste it on more crappy Corporatists, Progressives, who can win.