Tag: Netroots/Blue America

MTP: Markos Discusses the Emergence of the Netroots Movement

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DailyKos Founder Markos Moulitsas Zuniga explains to guest host David Gregory on Meet The Press why the netroots mo

Open Thread

PoliticsTV has some glimpses of YearlyKos. Check your local C-Span listings for more coverage.

I like that my buddy Cliff is teaching his son the imp

Blue America Welcomes Jim Himes

(Guest Blogged by Howie Klein)

Jim Himes is our Blue America candidate today. We're trying to help him overcome rubber stamp Republican incumbent Ch

Billo Scolds Democrats For Planning To Attend YearlyKos

It's becoming increasingly painful to watch this man's slow descent into insanity, but hey, it's my job...

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Never o

Happy Blogosphere Day

(guest blogged by Howie Klein)

Crooks & Liars hosts ActBlue with Firedoglake and DownWithTyranny. In the past, we've helped raised over half a m

Open Thread

Happy Birthday, ActBlue and Donna Edwards!

Chris Carney betrays Blue America

Our Blue America Pac raises a lot of money for candidates and Howie does a fine job of fleshing out their positions before we green-light any of them.

Jerry Nadler Chatting at FDL

Howie Klein:

(W)e have Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) coming to do a Blue America chat at FDL and I spent over an hour with him on the phone today gettin


I, like Duncan, can't stand this term. The wise old men of the Beltway have rendered it meaningless in any real applicable sense.



Rothenberg Predicts Democratic Senate!

This is huge. Stuart Rothenberg already predicted a Democratic House (34-40 seat gain) but now he's predicting the Senate will go blue too.

Blue America’s John Hall harmonizes With Stephen Colbert

NY Congressional candidate and ActBlue recipient, John Hall, was on the Colbert Report last night to talk about his promising campaign run and to hop

Netroots Challenge Dems’ Electoral Strategy

The Nation:

The Mark Foley scandal has given Democrats a huge edge in the midterm elections--almost twenty points in recent national polls--but can t

Blue America is