Author: Nicole Belle

Another Republican Calling It Quits–Jim Walsh (NY-25) To Retire

The Post Standard (Syracuse):

Rep. Jim Walsh said today he plans to retire from Congress at the end of his term in January 2009, ending a 20-year c

Blue Dog McIntyre Flip-Flops on SCHIP! UPDATED


It looks like pressure paid off. Mike McIntyre announced this afternoon that he has changed his stand on SCHIP. More from the release...

Blue America Welcomes Andrew Rice

Last night you learned Andrew Rice is a Flaming Lips and a Woody Guthrie fan. This morning the whole story of this remarkable young Oklahoma state se

Open Thread

Democracy in Action!  Blue America is making a difference for progressive candidates:

Tom Allen thanks Blue America for raising over $10,000 for h

MTP: Markos Discusses the Emergence of the Netroots Movement

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DailyKos Founder Markos Moulitsas Zuniga explains to guest host David Gregory on Meet The Press why the netroots mo

Darcy Burner on the FISA bill

Darcy was a Blue America guest a few weeks back and she was the real deal during her chat.

What a refreshingly honest and straightfoward take. Woul

Open Thread

PoliticsTV has some glimpses of YearlyKos. Check your local C-Span listings for more coverage.

I like that my buddy Cliff is teaching his son the imp

Blue America Welcomes Russ Warner

  "Everyone" knew Mark Foley was a closet case for years and years before it came out he was making inappropriate impositions on the young male congr

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club with Simon & Garfunkel

(Guest blogged by Howie Klein)

As we sometimes do, we asked tomorrow's Blue America candidate to tell us about his favorite music. Tomorrow Rancho Cu

Blue America Welcomes Jim Himes

(Guest Blogged by Howie Klein)

Jim Himes is our Blue America candidate today. We're trying to help him overcome rubber stamp Republican incumbent Ch

Billo Scolds Democrats For Planning To Attend YearlyKos

It's becoming increasingly painful to watch this man's slow descent into insanity, but hey, it's my job...

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Never o

Blue America Welcomes Jon Powers

(guest blogged by Howie Klein)

Last night Iraq war vet and western New York congressional candidate Jon Powers was our special guest host at the Lat

Blue America is