
Eric Kingson: Why I Stand With Bernie

Another courageous Democrat who is standing up to the Democratic Party Machine to endorse Bernie Sanders' campaign.

Can Anyone Fill Grayson’s And Edwards’ Shoes In The House? Meet Pramila Jayapal

WA-07 is exactly the kind of district that is perfect for an innovative, stalwart, values-driven progressive like Pramila Jayapal.

Why Blue America Endorsed Adrian Garcia For Congress

“Gene Green Should Have Been Fired A Long Time Ago” Blue America joins local Latino community leaders in endorsement of Adrian Garcia for Congress.

Who Decides Who The Candidate Will Be– Locals Or The DCCC?

The “we don’t get involved in contested primaries” DCCC is doing it again. Help us make them think twice the next time.

Urgent Holiday Gift Match Gives Biggest 2016 Progressive Bang For Buck

A generous donor has brought us a $2,000 match challenge to highlight what a terrific strategic win it would be to get P.G. Sittenfeld elected to the US Senate

We’ll Match Your Donation To #StandWithPlannedParenthood

Republicans campaign rhetoric is inciting their followers to violence. They must not be rewarded. Donate to our progressive candidates and Blue America will match your donations up to $1,000 for Planned Parenthood:

Who Will Fight Climate Change? Meet Paul Clements

The environment can’t speak for itself, but it doesn’t forget. That's why we need Paul Clements in Congress.

DCCC Appears Ready To Do The Right Thing In CA-25

This is a great opportunity to not only pick up a seat but to put a true progressive in it.

Building A Democratic Leadership Bench– In Wisconsin

Rebuilding the Democratic party from the ground up— starting at ground zero for conservative skullduggery, Wisconsin.

He’s more than just a walking encyclopedia of politics

That time Alan Grayson wrote a letter about Howie Klein asking you to Support Blue America. (Yeah, we’re pretty excited about it.)

Keith Ellison Tells Bernie “I’ll Be There for You”

More important endorsements for Bernie Sanders and a chance to win an RIAA Certified platinum award for the TV show, Friends.

Progressive Leaders Have Started Endorsing Bernie Sanders

The ball is starting to roll now. #FeelTheBern is spreading to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the group Bernie Sanders helped start in 1991.

Blue America is