
Joe Crowley Must Be Stopped– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can Do It

What's the point of a #BlueWave if we elect the same Big-Bank Democrats who got us into this mess? It's time for a change. It's time for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Congress.

The Next Speaker Should Be A Real Progressive

When Democrats regain control of the House, what then? Who is best able to lead at this critical point in our country's history?

Happy 420– Meet Kyle Frenette

Kyle Frenette: "As the Representative of northwestern Wisconsin, I will work to federally legalize marijuana to create jobs and spur economic growth not just for our great state but for the entire country.

The Koch Brothers Are Coming For Veterans’ Healthcare

The Kochs, the billionaire class and Trump really do think they can stiff America's veterans and get away with it. Blue America's Progressive Veterans say, "Over their dead bodies."

Next Stop For The Blue Wave– North Carolina And Indiana

Dan and Jenny are two of the most intelligent, independent-minded and passionate leaders we've come across in our many years of vetting progressive candidates. All of us at Blue America believe any support you can give them is richly deserved and will be wisely used-- a real step towards getting more members in the vein of Ro Khanna, Barbara Lee, Mark Pocan, Ted Lieu and Pramila Jayapal into Congress.

Bernie: ‘I Detest That Type Of Politics And I Think Most Americans Do’

We can win this one by beating the forces of Insider Beltway corruption-- first the DCCC and in November, the GOP. And with great candidates like Levi Tillemann, who we've endorsed for #CO06.

Senator Warren: ‘Katie Porter Is The Real Deal’

We all know what we need out of the next Congress-- capable leaders who have shown the ability and willingness to stand up to Trump, the GOP and the powerful special interests. "That," Katie told us "is exactly what I plan to do in Washington."

Why Blue America Endorsed Ellen Lipton (MI-09)

Ellen is part of the progressive grassroots energy that is sweeping the country and she's the kind of leader who won't be satisfied sitting on the backbench taking orders from the party's sclerotic, calcified leadership. Pelosi's, Hoyer's and their team's days are numbered. The congressional Democrats desperately need seasoned, bold leaders like Ellen Lipton to help the party snap out of it before it's too late.

Omaha? Blue America Endorses Kara Eastman

It's strong, idealistic women with real life experience like @karaforcongress who are going to change America, not decrepit, recycled, reactionary Blue Dogs pushed by a corrupt establishment. Blue America proudly endorses Kara Eastman for #NE02!

Up To Bat In March — Progressives In Texas And Illinois

This week we’re asking you to consider helping our Texas and Illinois candidates and leave the others for another time. Let's make sure the progressives get into the Texas runoffs and into the Illinois general election.

Goal: Replacing Devin Nunes In November

Let's send our own memo to Devin Nunes: "You're Fired!" Ricardo Franco is a progressive Democrat organizing in the Central Valley to take on who local paper Fresno Bee calls “Trump’s Stooge” and Blue America endorsed him today.

Alert The Media! Tim Canova-Barenaked Ladies Contest, Day One:

We're randomly choosing one winner for an RIAA-certified gold record for the Barenaked Ladies first album, GORDON. This isn't something you can buy in a store. We're using Howie's gift from Reprise in order to help Tim raise funds for his campaign to unseat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

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